8/2 Pitchers Notes and Velocities

The newest segment to the site; a game by game update of the pitchers and their velocities. There will be a couple of notes per pitcher. These notes could be anything from mechanical issues, composure, mound presence, body type, game results, etc…



Tri City

# 18 Jensen RH– Benefited from his slightly awkward uncomfortable delivery and stiff arm action coupled with decent velocity to miss a handful of bats. His location was off both in the zone and out of the zone

Fastball 89-91 peaked at 92- Coming from a stiff and short arm action this pitch jumped on the hitters even though it didn’t have a great measure of life or movement.

Curveball 76-78- Flashed decent 10-4 break at times but more often than not it seemed to pop out of his hand and more tumble than dive to the plate.

Changeup- 80-81 Pretty straight, kept decent arm speed with the pitch. Needs improvement

#16 Allsup RH– The very definition of rail thin. The press book had him listed at 180 but there is no way that is anywhere close to his real weight.

Fastball 91-92– Decent life to this pitch but he could not locate it as well as he wanted due to an inconsistent release point.

Slider 84-87– Again very inconsistent with this pitch. Sometimes it flipped out of his hand and almost frisbeed to the plate while other times it acted like an exaggerated cutter.

Change Up- 79-80 Not a whole lot worth noting with this pitch.

#26 Benningson LH– Stiff delivery that flew open way before release. He never looked like he just let things flow.

Fastball 83-86 Because he is lefthanded and opened up early he got off to the side off his fastball which gave it some run to his arm side. This is not killer movement and it is very easy to track

Breaking Ball- 79-82 Couldn’t call it a curveball as he threw it too hard and can’t call it a slider because of his arm slot and the action of the pitch. Semantics aside the pitch wasn’t anything special.

Change Up- 76-78 His best pitch but still too slow to allow him to move up through the system. He had good deception and kept that movement on this pitch that he had on his fastball.

#17 Dennis RH– He looked like he should be throwing in the low to mid 90’s yet never broke 89mph. Big motion and quick arm but no velocity.

Fastball 88-89 Missed over the heart of the plate with this pitch

Slider 77-80 Decent movement and was best served by its late break. He missed a few bats with this pitch but with his inability to spot his fastball he never really had call to throw this pitch.



#51 Needy RH- Great body and Matt Garza type arm action but all his mechanics are upper body driven.

Fastball-86-89 peaked at 90 Very flat and hittable tonight a majority of the time. He showed a few good pitches to his arm side but never reached out and spotted well to the glove side.

Slider 85: Solid movement but even then the pitch was up. We he did spot it low in the zone the movement improved

Curve 80: Actually he spotted this pitch the best of any of his offerings throughout the night.

Change up 82-84: Good arm speed but nothing else to write home about

#4 Gigilotti LH– Best I’ve seen him tonight. He finally kept the ball down and allowed his fastball to sink and run by keeping it down in the zone.

Fastball 86-88 Great tailing action to this pitch. When it was in the lower end of his velocity it even flashed some good late sink.

Curveball 74-75: Spotted this pitch extremely well. Was finally able to find the balance of lateral and vertical movement.

Change Up: 77-78: Great arm side run but slowed his arm just a bit.

#25 Brule RH: Herky Jerky motion with a big body

Fastball:89-93 With his inconsistent delivery he fastball velocity was all over the place

Curveball 77 Hard 12-6 pitch with late vertical drop. Was a terror for righties

Change: 83 Only threw it once

#45 De La Cruz** RH– It seemed he hurt himself in warmups but decided to suck it up and stay on the mound. He rolled his ankle on a divot in the mound and it affected all his pitches.

Fastball: 86-93 Like I said his ankle was bothering him visibly leading to him trying to baby his stride foot and killing his velocity

Split: 78-84 Good movement but same problem as his fastball in terms of consistency

#16 Stites RH– The game was so laborious until Stites came up. Pounded the zone and had excellent mound presence.

Fastball 90-92 Great life to the pitch and spotted well in the zone. He was up in the zone with it at times but there is a difference between elevating it intentionally as he was and just not getting downhill.

Slider 84 Only threw it once

#36 Berrora RH– Best I’ve seen him. With his Ogando style delivery and improved velocity he was missing bats right and left

Fastball- 90-94: Started off at 90 and ramped up to 94 ending on 3 94mph lasers. Spotted the pitch perfectly to the glove side of the plate which you often don’t see at this level. Plus pitch.

Curve: 83 just threw it once to keep a hitter off his fastball

Change:84 Same story as the curve but he did have the moxy to throw it to end the game and it worked.



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