8/3 Game Notes: Ems vs Dust Devils

Dust Devil’s beat the Em’s 2-0

Glad to see Clint Moore back for Eugene. It was assumed he was injured but actually he had to be recalled by the military for a brief stint. (West Point Graduate)

For further tidbits from tonight’s pitchers duel click below

It truly was a pitchers duel but each pitcher went about it very differently. For Tri City, Bergman kept the Eugene hitters off balance all night with great location, playable velocity, and a deceptive mention. For Eugene Johnny Barbato was dominant and was only removed because he reached his pitch count. Unfortunately he was stuck with the loss due to some porous defense

Jace Peterson made a routine error on a throw from the pitcher while trying to turn a double play. In trying to make up for this with a spectacular play he made yet another error. For all those who preach the mental game, this is a prime example of how to let one small thing get inside your head and snowball into something else.

Kyle Gaedele continues to use the whole field very well when hitting.

Donavan Tate… Chill on the accessories. Long green arm sleeve, short white arm sleeve, taped wrist, sunglasses, eye black, white cleats…#tryingtoohard

Tri City is very sound up the middle and not just in the infield. From catcher to center they are very solid defensively.

For the Em’s Greg Gonzalez thew a changeup that was 20mph off of his fastball with good arm speed. It looked like the ole stop ball from a bugs bunny cartoon

There was not a single ball that was laced, barreled up, smoked, or any clever turn of phrase tonight.

The umpires were wildly inconsistent tonight out of the zone. If it was in the zone it was a strike but if it was close it became anybodies guess. Bergman of Tri City played on this all night and had many an Emerald shaking their head.

Moment of the night: Seeing a lady with a broken arm in a cast, eating ice cream, catch a foul ball like it was nothing. That ladies and gentlemen is how you stay alert and prepared at a baseball game.

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