Game Notes 8/5 Em’s vs Dust Devils

Finally the bats woke up for both teams tonight in a 10-8 win for the Em’s

Definitely one of the more entertaining games of the year. Further details following the jump.

Is Donavan Tate injured? His right hand was wrapped in a big soft cast all night and he did not play.

Jayson Langfels continues to impress at 3rd for Tri City. He flashed the leather again tonight and showed promise as a hitter too. He crushed a Juan Herrera fastball just left of the batter’s eye in center.

Justin Miller hit a little league home run tonight. What does that mean? He hit a single to right with a runner on second. The throw went to home so he broke for second. After the errant throw sailed over the catcher he took off for third. The throw to third beat him there but it shorted hopped the 3rd baseman and rolled into the outfield. Finally he ran for home and made it safely.

Following this error the Tri City right fielder was gun shy for the next several innings. Interesting to watch this young man improve on the mental side of the game as well on the physical side.

Travis Whitmore was put in the 3 hole tonight and he capitalized on it. He had two hits, 3 rbis and one big triple.

Eugene unloaded for 6 in the 4th inning only to have Tri City respond with 5 of their own. It wasn’t pretty baseball with a couple of errors and some poor pitching but it was entertaining none the less.

Kyle Gaedele adds two more hits, 2 walks, and a steal of a slow pick off move. Impressive game for the toolsy outfielder.

I’m sounding like a broken record but Tri City’s infield is a joy to watch. They are not amazing athletes but all have impeccable fundamentals and footwork.

Chris Wilkes made the game interesting in the 9th but it was good to see the Eugene crowd get into the game.

Series conclusion tomorrow.

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