Donavan Tate

6’3″ 200lbs

Build: Athlete. Tall, muscular, and a frame that could handle 15 more lbs. easy and be no worse for it. Long arms and legs.

Swing: Watching Tate’s swing gives you an idea why he was the first highschool player chosen in the draft two years ago. Hits from an upright stance. Shows good length in his negative movement. The stride is very quiet and controlled but once things get going, it’s over in a heartbeat. He has tremendous batspeed and hands that stay in the hitting zone for an awesome amount of time. He gets terrific extension and I am running out of over the top adjectives to use here. I worry about hitters with an upright stance sometimes in regards to the lower half just sort of being along for the ride. These worries were put to bed after several balls were viciously turned on and rocketed down the field.The swing is still raw and can still be polished. Once this polish is put on Tate may be a true force to be reckoned with.

Fielding: I found myself hoping balls would be hit to Tate as it is a joy to watch him run. He effortlessly glides and covers a vast amount of area in center field. He flashed a plus arm but has yet to have a game situation in which to use it.