Jace Peterson

6′ 200lbs.

Build: Great frame for a SS. Already shows signs of physical maturity but by no means looks filled out. You know this guy is an athlete just by looking at him

Batting: Shows good balance in the stance with his hands held slightly above shoulder level. Swing is calm throughout the load and stride but the hands are quite active. If he can continue to produce this is nothing to worry about but as he progresses through the minors I would want to see if some good fastballs throw off all this hand activity. Good athletic swing. Shows good batspeed now and it is easy to project him with plus batspeed in the future. Drove the ball well to the opposite field and covered the outside 1/3rd of the plate very well. Very small and controlled stride, nothing to fix there. Has a flat swing with a bat that gets to the hitting zone quickly and stays in there until extension. It is easy to project Jace with a plus hit tool. He has a great first step out of the box with great speed. It is still a swing very much in progress. For a future top of the order hitter he does swing and miss more than I would like. Realize this young man is making the transition from raw athlete to polished baseball player. If you keep this in mind you can bear some of the questionable approaches he takes on an at bat to at bat basis.

Fielding: Shows plus range at shortstop with a good arm.  He will make some amazing plays at SS for sure. He all but eliminates the bloop single over his head because he can turn and run so well. Actions are decent in the field and will continue to get better as he gets more reps at the position. While he is very good at getting to groundballs he does not always set himself up with the best footwork.  If he stays at shortstop he will fit in at every level but if he moves to second all his tools become more valuable.

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