Top Tools in the North West League; Position Players

In this  feature I will rundown the players with the top tools that I have seen to this date. For full disclosure I am yet to see Tri City or Spokane.The tools I will go over are as followed for position players.

The Hit Tool




Arm strength

And here we go Continue reading

The Return of Donavan Tate, The Purchase of a Radar Gun, and My Ramblings

So it has been decided by the powers that be there should be some kind of game summary or something just to encapsulate the little things that won’t show up in a box score, scouting report, but are noteworthy none the less. Also we have the latest addition to the site; readings from a radar gun. Last but not least we have the return of Donavan Tate after his suspension. Continue reading

2 New Scouting Reports

Click the names for some awesome insight.

Mykal Stokes

Kyle Gaedele

Sorry for the delay everybody. The death of Shannon Stone tore me up and summer classes have ramped up. Now that I have adjusted my schedule I will be back to putting out reports at a clip better than two or three a week.

Congrats to Cory Spangenberg  as he was promoted to the Low A Fort Wayne team. I feel this will not be the last time congratulations is in order for Cory in regards to him advancing through the Padres system.

Final thought- Distance should count for something in the HR derby. Am I right or what?